
cruel world

why do people wish bad things for another human being? people make rumors about another person to make his life intolerable. people like when bad things happen to other people. most of people joy deep inside when they hear some bad news or get to know that something bad has happened to people they know or even about complete strangers.
famous people get even more hurted. media, other celebrities, people who have some connection with them try to get some good from them, try to spoil life for them, invent things that has never happened and try to show that to everybody. people lie to make others look black. people don`t know the truth but they continue talking. talking about things they don`t have the smallest idea about.
people judge. judge when they don`t know what person has given to be where he is. people lie to get goods from other. people cheat to get higher. people hate. and hate more then they love. hate eats them from inside. and leaves just a skin of person.
people lack simple human love between themselves. people more and more lack things that are making them humans!
people lifes are connected. in a way that maybe nobody even sees. you don`t know how things you do affect somebodies else life. even for a person whom you think you don`t know.
the world needs love!
i really admire people who despite whole world and people who injure their soul are still giving sooo much to them! those people are strong! they are huge people with huge hearts!
one of such people for whom would like to ask forgivness in all world`s place is Michael Jackson.
he has been such a special person even if he didn`t knew!
hope there were people who made you smile, people who made you happy! best wishes on the way to another, better place! <3

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