
if it wud be so easy - to die!

i want to scream, but not a sound comes out of my mouth..
hot tears running over cheeks, and cold cold soul in frozen body..
pain...merciless pain fluttering heart over and over and over again..without a stop..
guilt, anger, regret and once again it all..and once again...
state of mind - razor... could i get one and get free of all?!
im too afraid. i love you too much!

my mind - a razor;
cutting veins of soul
and leaving it in snow
to bleed out.
left there for dogs of memories
heart which has stopped beating
but havent stopped feeling
and loving just you..
pain pulsing in the body..
pain pervading through
like tiny electrons..
hot passionate heart
filled with so much cold
perforated with sharp icicles
of your words.
it would be so easy to die.
and yet - you hold me back!



  there came event in my life which was crucial! it was a nuclear bomb on my soul.
  i had made that bomb myself. i had left it there. i wasnt proud of me and i tried to hide it. you..you just stepped on the trigger and it exploded. you got hurted too. but im the one whos guilty for everything that happened.
  it swept away all importance away from life, it burnt out all little and big goals of life, it killed everything that mattered and all the living. all it left is pain, unbearable pain and emptiness like atomic bomb leaves just ashes, burnt and distorted corpses and destruction.
  me = freezing. alone. hurting. destroyed.

my 7sein!

my love, i miss you soo much!



its soo awfully hard.. even impossible to survive whole year long when i know i`m not gonna be living even for a month when i see him.. why to drag that stupid life when all is lost?! whats the point?!


in memory of the sister of my special person

October is cancer month. In memory of every cancer patient, family member and friend who has lost their battle with cancer and in honour ofthose who continue to conquer it! Put this up for 1 hour if you love someone who has or had cancer. Many won't copy and paste this. I did. Will you?


* * *

i want you back sooo badly!!!!
             [i still love you]


01/01/1986- 10/10/2010


wishing id be dead

im such stupid idiot for making biggest mistakes in my life! i make problems each time when i open my mouth. words have become my enemies - either i tell them or not... there is emptiness in me. extremely huge emptiness and unbearable pain.
i ask God forgive me all the sins i`ve made and to heal your wounds i`ve made...
i regret that im alive and that i caused such strong pain for the men i love the most in this world!


welcome to hell

in couple steps of heart-attack - physical heartache constantly, insomnia and loss of appetite. plus have dilated pupils and palpitation.
well.. i`ve earned that.some coffee cups and direct one-way ticket on painful road to hell.


i hate myself

all physical heartache, all dullness and strong pain in head, all whirlpool and pain in stomach, all sleepless nights...... i`ve earned that all!
standing on chippings whats left of my world. nothing else matters.
to jump or not to?!


once again you and me... eventhough i`ve done awful things i still believe in this!

i know that we havent choosed the easiest way. its hard to be that far and live in different countries. its hard to go and live together somewhere, coz there are many things that we wud need to overcome. *love is not enough*! ofcourse nothing will happen on its own, we will need to work for that. and maybe work alot! but im sure that we can manage that! im sure about that! it wasnt our choice to fall in love with each other and discover that we are the other part of each other. that was fate! nobody told or promised us that it will be easy! but it will worth every thing we`ll make! future makes me afraid abit too! i dont know how we`ll manage all things, i dont know where and how to find a new job in some other country, how to get education and such things. i dont know that. and as every normal person im afraid of things i dont know. but im ready to fight! im ready to go for you no matter where! coz i wana be with you and i wana make you most happy man on the earth! and i know that you would make me most happy woman on whole planet! i just know that!
i felt that many times and very strongly few weeks ago!
we both are from fighters. and together we can win this fight! i`ll pray that we would have enough power, strength, hope and love to win the fight!
just believe! believe that we can everything together! coz we really really can! nothin can stop us!
we just need to believe and dream! its hard to make your dreams come true, but its not impossible! i love you! and you love me! i saw that in your eyes and felt in touch of your hand!
im not going to give up! there is no way back! there is just way in front of us!
i adore you!


Lionel Richie - Hello

I've been alone with you inside my mind
And in my dreams I've kissed your lips a thousand times
I sometimes see you pass outside my door
Hello, is it me you're looking for?
I can see it in your eyes
I can see it in your smile
You're all I've ever wanted, (and) my arms are open wide
'Cause you know just what to say
And you know just what to do
And I want to tell you so much, I love you ...
I long to see the sunlight in your hair
And tell you time and time again how much I care
Sometimes I feel my heart will overflow
Hello, I've just got to let you know
'Cause I wonder where you are
And I wonder what you do
Are you somewhere feeling lonely, or is someone loving you?
Tell me how to win your heart
For I haven't got a clue
But let me start by saying, I love you ...
Hello, is it me you're looking for?
'Cause I wonder where you are
And I wonder what you do
Are you somewhere feeling lonely or is someone loving you?
Tell me how to win your heart
For I haven't got a clue
But let me start by saying ... I love you


Интересные факты про ложь

Исследование частоты и причин вранья в Великобритании провело агентство "One Poll" среди 3000 взрослых по заказу Музея науки.
В среднем мужчина врет в году 1092 раза, а женщина - 728 раз. Исследование установило, что мужчина ежедневно врет три раза, а женщина - только два. Мужчины чаще всего врут о том, сколько они пьют, а женщины - что у них все в порядке.
Чаще всего люди врут мамам (25% мужчин и 20% женщин). Только 10% респондентов сознались, что врут партнерам. 82% женщин заявили, что им ужасно совестно, что они врали. Угрызения совести мучают 70% мужчин. 75% респондентов считают, что ложь допустима, если она помогает пощадить чувства собеседника. Без этого уточнения приемлемым вранье считают 20% ответивших.
Сравнительные списки тем для вранья.
Мужская ложь / Женская ложь.
1. Я не так много и выпил / Ничего страшного, я в порядке
2. Ничего страшного, я в порядке / Не знаю, где это, я это не трогала и не прикасалась
3. У меня телефон не принимал / Это было не так уж и дорого
4. Это было не так уж и дорого / Я не так уж много и выпила
5. Уже еду / У меня болит голова
6. Я в пробке / Я купила это на распродаже
7. Нет, в этом у тебя попа не кажется толстой / Уже еду
8. Извини, я пропустил твой звонок / Ой, я давным-давно это купила
9. Ты похудела / Нет, я это не выкидывала
10. Всю жизнь об этом мечтал / Всю жизнь об этом мечтала


Es vēlos to , kā nevienam nav. Kas būs tikai mans. Varbūt tāpēc, ka esmu pārāk liels egoists. Es vēlos zināt to, ko nezin neviens, varbūt tādēļ, ka esmu ziņkārīgs. Es vēlos dzīvot, tā kā neviens, varbūt tas ir tādēļ.. ka esmu radījis savu pasauli, kurā vēlos pārcelties dzīvot. Es vēlos mīlēt , to ko neviens vēl nav mīlējis , tā kā neviens to nav darījis . varbūt tādēļ , ka es pārāk stipri alkstu mīlestības.. es vēlos spert kāju tur kur neviens to vēl nav spēris, varbūt tādēļ, ka esmu pārāk saspiests. Es vēlos ticēt tam, kam netic neviens, jo tad es droši zināšu , ka manus sapņus neviens nenozags. Es vēlos neiespējamo . es vēlos būt noteicējs par savu dzīvi. Vēlos, lai pamostoties saule apžilbinātu manas acis un uz lūpām raisītos smaids.. lai sirds trīc nevis no bailēm, bet no satraukuma ko rada laime . Es vēlos dzīvot !

paskatīties augstāk

Skaties apkārt. Vieni vienīgi meži. Cilvēki to tik vien dara, kā rāpo un ložņā, redzot svešu dibenu un savu degungalu. Tikai retais pieceļas kajās un skatās pār visiem. Verās tālēs un redz kas patiesība notiek. Aptver savas iespējas un iztēlojas nākotni. Nākotni sev, saviem līdzcilvēkiem un savai zemei. Nākotni savam mežam!
Mežs aug uz pelēkās masas. Tiem jēlajiem tipipie un moralajām palaistuvēm. Viņi melo sev, melo citiem, bet pārējā laikā aizlej acis. Aizmiglo savu skatu un neredz pat degungalu. Ar mieru vergot, ar mieru eksistēt. Dzīve bez rūpēm ir viegla. Viegli nenozīmē skaisti.
Skaistums, smiekli, baudas. Tās visas ir mākoņos slēptas lietas. Gaišas un gaisīgas. Veļās zilajās debesīs, ienesot mūsu dzīvēs gaišos starus. Piepildot vēlēšanas, piepildod mūs pašus.
Mēdz būt arī gaiši pelēkā krāsa, bet gaužām maz. Tāpat arī tupus rāpus var atdurties pret kādu dibenu un retāku reizi nokrist uz savējā, tādējādi iespraust savu aso degunu kādā no mākoņiem. Tomēr tie, kuri spējuši piecelties un darīt visu, ko dzīve sniedz. Izmantot tās sniegtās iespējas un riskēt brīžos, kad bezcerība iekalusi važās visu saprātu, viņi redz un smaida biežāk. Viņi neēd viens otram dzīvi, netērē velti laiku un pats galvenais cenšās. Cenšās izmantot un attīstīt to, kas ir. Nevis grābjot no visa pa druskai, ievainojot tos, kuri vēlāk atcerēsies .
Dzīvot ar degunu mākoņos vajag vismazāk, lai cik skaisti tur arī nebūtu. Tad šie cilvēki aizmirst cik spēcīga ir šī pelēkā masa.
No jebkā var izaugt lietaskoks. No jebkā var izvārīt zupu.


if i die tonight

if i die now there wont be anybody except closest family to miss me. thats sad.


bullets and brarrels

somebody told that "bullet never leaves the barrel"!
they do! they just need a strong and painful push! they need a slap and they can change their life, their destiny.


rain & night & loneliness

love night, love rain and love wind! especially all put together!
sitting on the 4th floor windowsill at the opened window. letting wind touch my face and caress my skin. in those moments feeling alive. feeling alive as coldness sneaks through the veins all over the body. "Sometimes she feels so sad, Other times feels twice as bad". perfect music for a perfect sleepless night. one of hundreds.
feeling of freedom. feeling i cud fly if just id step of the windowsill . rain hitting ground, hitting leaves and hitting stretched palm outside. "Wish I, were different.But I'm a stranger in the world."
welcome to my night


I know him so well

Nothing is so good it lasts eternally
Perfect situations must go wrong
But this has never yet prevented me
Wanting far too much for far too long.
Looking back I could have played it differently
Won a few more moments who can tell
But it took time to understand the man
Now at least I know I know him well

Wasn't it good?
Wasn't he fine?
Isn't it madness
He can't be mine?

But in the end he needs
A little bit more than me --
More security
I know him so well.

No one in your life is with you constantly
No one is completely on your side
And though I move my world to be with him
Still the gap between us is too wide.

Looking back I could
Have played it differently
Learned about the man before I fell

But I was Ever so much
Younger then Now at least
I know I know him well

Wasn't it good?
Wasn't he fine?
Isn't it madness
He won't be mine?
Didn't I know
How it would go?
If I knew from the start
Why am I falling apart?

Wasn't it good?
Wasn't he fine?
Isn't it madness
He won't be mine?

But in the end he needs a
Little bit more than me --
More security
I know him so well

It took time to understand him

I know him so well



“People are afraid of themselves, of their own reality; their feelings most of all. People talk about how great love is, but that's bullshit. Love hurts. Feelings are disturbing. People are taught that pain is evil and dangerous. How can they deal with love if they're afraid to feel? Pain is meant to wake us up. People try to hide their pain. But they're wrong. Pain is something to carry, like a radio. You feel your strength in the experience of pain. It's all in how you carry it. That's what matters. Pain is a feeling. Your feelings are a part of you. Your own reality. If you feel ashamed of them, and hide them, you're letting society destroy your reality. You should stand up for your right to feel your pain.”


Desktop icons text background transparent

Control Panel / System / Advanced / Performance Tab / Settings Button and put a checkmark in: Use Drop Shadows for Icon Labels on the Desktop!

very useful for me!


Love & Marriage

A student asks a teacher, "What is love?"

The teacher said, "in order to answer your question, go to the wheat field and choose the biggest wheat and come back.

But the rule is: you can go through them only once and cannot turn back to

The student went to the field, go thru first row, he saw one big wheat, but he wonders..may be there is a bigger one later.

Then he saw another bigger one.. But may be there is an even bigger one waiting for him.

Later, when he finished more than half of the wheat field, he start to realize that the wheat is not as big as the previous one he saw, he know he has missed the biggest one, and he regretted.

So, he ended up went back to the teacher with empty hand.

The teacher told him, "..this is love.. You keep looking for a better one, but when later you realize, you have already miss the person.."

"What is marriage then?" the student asked.

The teacher said, "in order to answer your question, go to the corn field and choose the biggest corn and come back. But the rule is: you can go through them only once and cannot turn back to pick."

The student went to the corn field, this time he is careful not to repeat the previous mistake, when he reach the middle of the field, he has picked one medium corn that he feel satisfy, and come back to the

The teacher told him, "This time you bring back a corn.. You look for one that is just nice, and you have faith and believe this is the best one you get..
This is marriage."


Kelsey Grammer - Frasier

 "The mark of a man is one who knows he can' control his circumstances - but he can control his responses." [Kelsey Grammer]


Scream (Zac Efron)

The day door is closed,
The echo’s fill your soul.
They wont say which way to go,
Just trust your heart.

To find what you’re here for,
Open another door.
I’m not sure anymore.
It’s just so hard.

The voices in my head,
Tell me they know best!
Got me on the edge,
they’re pushin’, pushin’,
they’re pushin’

I know they got a plan,
While the balls in my hands!
This time its man-to-man,
I’m droppin’, fightin’, its time too.

Whole worlds upside down,its spining faster
What do I do now? Cause I choke!

I don’t know, where to go, what’s the right team?
I want my own thing. So bad I’m gonna Scream!
I can’t choose, so confused! What’s it all mean?
I want my own dream. So bad I’m gonna Scream!

I’m kickin’ down the walls.
I gotta make ‘em fall!
Just break through them all!
I’m pushin’, crashin’, I’m gonna
Fight to find myself,
Me and no one else!
Which way I get down, searchin’,
Searchin’, can’t find a
Road that I should take,
I should, tomorrow left us!
Like nothing works without you!

I don’t know, where to go, what’s the right team?
I want my own thing. So bad I’m gonna Scream!
I can’t choose, so confused! What’s it all mean?
I want my own dream. So bad I’m gonna Scream!

Yeah we’re cooks, running down,
hear the crowd gettin’ loud!
I’m consumed by the sound!
Is it hurt? Is it love?
can the music ever be enough?
Gotta work it out, gotta work it out!
You can do it, you can do it!

I don’t know, where to go, what’s the right team?
I want my own thing. So bad I’m gonna Scream!
I can’t choose, so confused! What’s it all mean?
I want my own dream. So bad I’m gonna Scream!

I don’t know, where to go, what’s the right team?
I want my own thing. I want my own thing!
I can’t choose, so confused! What’s it all mean?
I want my own dream. So bad I’m gonna Scream!

Ohh! Ahh!!!!


i`m standing in the thunderstorm. first in this year. alone in the dark. thinking about you, myself and my life. feeling empty. and so very alone. rain mixing with tears. distant flashes of lightening and my thoughts. its warm, but i`m freezing. rain is so calm. tears are not. i long for you with all my being. never thought id miss you so much! having hurricane in me.



everybody always think and tell how strong girl i am, that i can handle anything and overcome anything! but im not just only very strong. im also very weak and vulnerable! i need somebody to hug me, protect me and make me feel safe. i need somebody to be there for me. but all think im too strong to be hold and being taken care of.


2 kinds of people

There's two kinds of people in this world when you boil it all down. You've got your 'talkers' and you've got your 'doers'. Most people are just talkers, all they got is talk. But when all is set and done, it's the doers who change this world. And when they do that, they change us. And that's why we never forget them... So which one are you? Do you just talk about it or do you stand up and do something about it? Because believe you me, all the rest of it is just coffee house bullshit.


Living Out Loud

sometimes you forget and loose who you really are, just coz life makes some turn to let those things out of your sight and make you forget to take care about yourself in spiritual way. makes you stop growing!
and there comes something [if you are lucky to see and/or use it in good way] to change your life and give you wish to know who you really are!

*It's amazing, isn't it? The things you find yourself agreeing to?*

*I want to feel my life. I want to stop agreeing to things, I don't really want.*


if I let you go

Day after day
Time pass away
And I just can`t get you off my mind
Nobody knows ... I hide it inside
I keep on searching but I can`t find
The courage to show ...
To letting you know ...
I`ve never felt so much love before
And once again I`m thinking about
Taking the easy way out ...

But if I let you go
I will never know
What my life would be
Holding you close to me
Will I ever see
You smiling back at me
How will I know?
If I let you go ...

Night after night
I hear myself sayin`
Why can`t this feeling just fade away?
There`s no one like you ...
You speak to my heart...
It`s such a shame we`re worlds apart ...
I`m too shy to ask ...
I`m too proud to lose
But sooner or later I gotta choose
And once again I`m thinking about
Taking the easy way out



hurts so much that i don`t know words to describe it. i don`t understand why god is doing this. hurts.


uz vietas

šķiet dzīvē ir iestājies tāds apnikums. tāda sajūta, ka esmu iesprūdusi kādā laika plūduma šaurajā ejā, bet dzīve tai pašā laikā spraucas un plūst cauri, man garām. vienas un tās pašas takas, kas iemītas jau dziļi zemēm. tādas sliedes, ka bail no nespējas tikt no tām ārā. iespējams man ir vajadzīgs pavasaris, enerģijas pieplūdums manās dzīslās. saule, zāle, zaļums un neSniegs apkārt! gribās, lai ir tik silti, lai var visu dienu sēdēt ārā! tā, lai vējš dabū ārā no galvas to smago apdulluma sajūtu it kā kāds kamols briestu galvā nemitīgi katru dienu.

gribās arī ko darīt, lai nevajadzētu lauzīt galvu par to, kā būs pēc mēneša vai diviem.

gribās mainīt tik daudz, bet nav spēka, nav iedvesmas. tikai bezgalīgs nogurums no nekā. viens no briesmīgākajiem nogurumiem.

es tik ļoti ilgojos! kaut vienu glāstu, skāvienu, skūpstu. buuu


30 seconds speech by Bryan Dyson – Former CEO of Coca Cola


Imagine this life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air. They are Work, Family, Health, Friends and Spirit and you’re keeping all of these in the air.
You will soon understand the WORK is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. But the other four balls – Family, Health, Friends and Spirit – are made of glass. If you drop one of these; they will be irrevocably scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged or even shattered. They will never be the same. You must understand that and strive for it.
Work efficiency during office hours and leave on time. Give the required time to your family, friends & have a proper rest.
Value has a value only if its value is valued.


12th march

its just one more day of the march. not springy day today. snow is falling again and there is no sun.  all is grey again.. just us couple days ago. liked the sun yesterday and day before. feeling like in spring. warmth, snow melting and even doesn`t matter that it was wet and there were puddles of water.. and wet feet.. but there was feeling that spring is about to start. and now again steps back to winter. grrr… my crocus in pot is still hiding as showing that spring is not ready yet to come. and i`m stubbornly waiting spring to come and my crocus to bloom!
sometimes seems that when outside is so grey, i need double strength to make my mood feel colorful!
there are just 2, ok maybe 3, days left to finish my university project. it needs to be pretty big and will be pretty tough, but well.. don`t have a choice. have to do it. how i hate my laziness and that i have to come over it and fight it each time! there would come out one bad bee from me! so i`m glad i`m just a human and not a bee :) there is always some thing to be happy about, no? lol! even if silly one :D
now back to my uni project! go go go!

right now music:  Sarah McLachlan - Angel
City of Angels!


atver acis un sāc dzīvot!

Aizver acis. Izbaudi mieru un tumsu, kas tevi pārņem. Esi tikai pats ar sevi. Padomā, dažas minūtes, ko tu darītu, ja nekad acis vairs neatvērtu...
Es ticu liktenim, ka mums katram ir piešķirts savs dzīves ilgums un mērķis, kas jāizpilda. Cik cilvēki tomēr maz zina par sevi! Mēs nezinām ne dzīves ilgumu, ne mērķi. Un tie, kuri nekad nav aizdomājušies par to, kāpēc cilvēks vispār ir uz šīs pasaules, nezin pat tik daudz. Katra jauna diena ir kā vēl viena dāvana, iespēja, kas jāizmanto, lai tiektos uz priekšu, lai sasniegtu kādu mazu mērķi.
Jebkurš mazs darbiņš taču liek tev justies labāk. Pat vienkāršs „paldies” var likt justies labāk tev un arī otram, kam esi to pateicis. Lai kāda būtu mūsu katra misija uz zemes, mums visiem ir pienākums vairot labestību, prieku un laimi, ko sniedz mazie, jaukie sīkumi dzīvē.
Sāc dienu ar smaidu, un tu redzēsi, ka visa pasaule uzsmaida tev. Priecājies, ka esi vesels, ka tev ir mājas, priecājies, ka paēdi brokastis. Es domāju, ka katra diena ir tik bagāta ar labiem notikumiem, ka tos visus nemaz nevar atcerēties.
Tu nekad nevari zināt, kad būs pēdējā diena, kad redzēsi šo skaisto pasauli. Iedomājies, uz tās ir tik daudz iedzīvotāju, un jebkurš ir piedalījies pasaules veidošanā, pat pats to neapzinādamies. Arī tu esi daļa no tā visa, tieši tāpēc, neatstāj kaut ko nepadarītu, jo nekad nevari zināt, vai rīt tev atkal būs iespēja to izdarīt.
Katra diena ir neatkārojama, jo tu nevarēsi to atgūt. Pusnaktī nomirst šodiena, nepieļauj, ka tai jāpazūd kā neattaisītai šokolādei, jo neesi pat mēģinājis to izbaudīt. Sāc dzīvot šeit un tagad, tev vēl ir laika. Dzīvo tā it kā katra diena būtu pirmā un pēdējā.
Atver acis...

sieviete & gudra sieviete


Sievietes vēlas kontrolēt vīrieti it visā. Gudra sieviete zina, ja vīrietis patiesi pieder viņai, tad kontrole nav nepieciešama.
Sievietes apvainojas, ja vīrietis neinformē par saviem iknedēļas izklaides pasākumiem.
Gudra sieviete ir pārlieku aizņemta ar sevi, lai ievērotu, ka nav saņemts uzaicinājums kopīgi atpūsties.
Sievietes baidās no vientulības.
Gudra sieviete vientulības laiku izmantos lietderīgi, lai stimulētu savu personisko izaugsmi.
Sievietes ignorē patīkamus vīriešus.
Gudra sieviete ignorē mačo un neveiksminiekus.
Sievietes darīs visu, lai vīrietis pēc iespējas ātrāk atgrieztos mājās.
Gudra sieviete rīkosies tā, lai vīrietis pats pēc iespējas agrāk atgrieztos mājup.
Sievietes gaida no vīriešiem, lai viņi stāstītu par saviem nākotnes plāniem un varētu piemērot tiem savējos.
Gudra sieviete pati kaļ savus plānus un informē par tiem vīrieti, lai pēc iespējas labāk tos spētu apvienot.
Sievietes pilnībā cenšas iekarot un izmantot vīriešu brīvo laiku.
Gudra sieviete nojauš, ka nedaudz brīvības nepieciešams, lai kopā pavadītais laiks kļūtu par neaizmirstamiem mirkļiem.
Sievietes uzskata – vīrietis, kurš raud ir vājš. Gudra sieviete viņam piedāvās mutautiņu un savu plecu...
Sievietes centīsies atdarīt vīriešiem, kuri aizvainojuši un aizskāruši viņu jūtas.
Gudra sieviete zina, ka šis vīrietis bija tikai viens no daudzajiem viņas dzīvē un izdzēsīs viņu no savas atmiņas pēc iespējas ātrāk.
Kad sievietes iemīlas, tad mīla viņu būtību pārņem pilnībā.
Gudra sieviete zina, vīrietis – kurš mīl viņu šodien, ne vienmēr mīlēs viņu rīt.
Sievietes izlasot šīs rindas iedegsies svētā sašutumā.
Gudra sieviete šo materiālu pārsūtīs savai draudzenei.
Jums izlemt, kurai no sieviešu grupām piederat ...


Любовь и влюблённость

ВЛЮБЛЁННОСТЬ - это когда Я хочу быть счастливым с тобой....
ЛЮБОВЬ - это когда я хочу сделать счастливым ТЕБЯ...

ВЛЮБЛЁННОСТЬ - это «Я обожаю тебя...»
ЛЮБОВЬ - это «Я ценю и уважаю твое мнение...»

ВЛЮБЛЁННОСТЬ - это «Я в восторге от твоих достоинств...»
ЛЮБОВЬ - это «Я знаю твои недостатки...»

ВЛЮБЛЁННОСТЬ - это «Друзья подождут...»
ЛЮБОВЬ - это «У нас общие друзья...»

ВЛЮБЛЁННОСТЬ - это «При чем тут родители?..»
ЛЮБОВЬ - это «Родители смирились и одобряют...»

ВЛЮБЛЁННОСТЬ - это «Ты мой идеал...»
ЛЮБОВЬ - это «Ты мой родной человек...»

ВЛЮБЛЁННОСТЬ - это «Я хочу тебя понять...»
ЛЮБОВЬ - это «Я понимаю и принимаю тебя...»

ВЛЮБЛЁННОСТЬ - это «Хотелось бы видеться чаще...»
ЛЮБОВЬ - это «Нам хорошо жить вместе...»

ВЛЮБЛЁННОСТЬ - это «Мы неплохо смотримся вместе...»
ЛЮБОВЬ - это «Интересно, какие у нас будут дети?..»

ВЛЮБЛЁННОСТЬ - это «Я не вижу без тебя настоящего...»
ЛЮБОВЬ - это «Я хочу увидеть наше будущее!»


my fortune cookie #1

« Be yourself. Above all, let who you are, what you are, what you believe, shine through every sentence you write, every piece you finish »


Я люблю тебя

"Я люблю тебя"- подумал он,впервые увидев ее фото в сети...
"Я люблю тебя"- чуть не написал он ей в первом же сообщении..
"Я люблю тебя"- хотелось кричать ему на первой их встрече...
"Я люблю тебя"- с этой мыслью он засыпал,вспоминая ее улыбку...
"Я люблю тебя"- сказал он ей ,замирая...
"Я люблю тебя"- повторял он ей каждый день...

"Я люблю тебя"- шептал он ,укачивая ее ,уставшую и сонную ,на руках..
"Я люблю тебя"-повторял он ей,укладывая ее,уставшую и буйную спать...
"Я люблю тебя"-он сжимал ее холодную руку...
"Я люблю тебя"-он вкладывал в свои поцелуи всю нежность,которую испытывал к ней...
"Я люблю тебя"-говорил он ей вслед,когда она,сорвав на нем все раздражение,громко хлопала дверью перед его лицом...
"Я люблю тебя"-он целовал ее в нос,съев подгоревший ужин..
"Я люблю тебя"-слал он ей бесконечные sms...
"Я люблю тебя"-тихо сказал он,когда она уходила к другому...
"Я люблю тебя"-он радостно сжимал ее в объятиях,когда она вернулась...
"Я люблю тебя"-повторял он снова и снова,простив ей все..
"Я люблю тебя"-твердил он ,будто не слышав ее :"А я тебя нет"..
"Я люблю тебя"-отчаянно шептал он,сжав в объятиях ее подушку и вдыхая аромат ее духов...

"Я люблю тебя"-отдавалось эхом в холодном небе января...
"Я люблю тебя"-пестрели красные буквы на подаренных ею открытках...
"Я люблю тебя"-бесприютные слова,никогда не находившие у нее ответа...
"Я люблю тебя"-сказал он напоследок,прощаясь с ней навсегда...
"Я люблю тебя"-впервые в жизни беззвучно прошептала она,вглядываясь в пелену дождя,скрывщую его темный силуэт...

Ведь вы не забыли сказать своему любимому человеку, как сильно вы его любите? Если забыли, то самое время сделать это!!!


inspiration in overcoming difficulties

sometimes you feel like being complete darkness and not seeing the smallest light around you.. but most of times its just because you need to get up and change the light bulb! all is in your hands! [ik]