
Martyr of the Keyboard

I'm a Martyr of the Keyboard By Ben Heine and Peter S Quin

© 2008 BenHeine

I'm a Martyr of the Keyboard
By Peter S Quinn (*)
I type all day long
Into the request deep
Sometimes it’ll ping-pong
Right into my sleep
I'm a martyr of the keyboard
Going down deep under
To the alphabet lord
God of the ticktick thunder!

I'll type for a request
Just to please and be ready
I'll try to do my best
If my fingers go on steady
This and that comes out
I have no complete control
Automation knows its ways about
Around the ‘key-mole’
And keyhole.
I type all day to spark
And give it a steady beat
But sometimes it’ll all lack
Except its little tweet
This maybe a dark poetry read
With not much in deeper meaning
But to somewhere it will lead
In a steady and closerScreening

(*) Peter has been very prolific,
- with more than 15 thousand music works /instrumental songs, and over 10 thousand poems and lyrics.
You can find nearly 7 thousand music works and more than 5 thousand poems and lyrics by him on the internet.
The poem was created by Peter S Quinn for this particular image.
Thank you Peter.
Ben Heine Cartoonist, Journalist

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