

Like a neverland is my life
Like a painful neverland
But i am not alone
You are here – somewhere...
In my mind

One more cigarette
And you will be very near
In my mind
In my mind

Open my window
And you will see
Me and my cigarette
Me and my simple body
Me and my thoughts
Me and my misty eyes
Me and my....
My neverland...
My never... never.... land....

I see small children
Laughing about me
Because they see my neverland
My never... never... land

A pain came to my mind
A pain without you
Where are you?
Come – sit by my side
Come – be by my side

One more cigarette
And you will be away again
And you will be strange again
You will be not for me again

Open my window
And you will see
Me and my cigarette
Me and my simple body
Me and my thoughts
Me and my misty eyes
Me and my....
My neverland...
My never... never.... land....

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