| 07/07/2008 Waiting for the coming hours to bring out news about the announcement of a new national unity government, intersecting information have highlighted many complexities within the ranks of the loyalty bloc.
According to media sources, the Christian team in the loyalty bloc has bumped against the wall of names and distribution of portfolios. Their problem is that the opposition has settled on names and portfolios while they haven’t as there are many candidates for limited seats.
According to monitors, Christians in the loyalty bloc have raised their voice because of next year’s legislative elections and because they could not withstand General Michel Aoun’s wide participation in the new cabinet, which eventually reflects his “weight” on the Christian arena.
Lebanese Force chief Samir Geagea had initially raised the ceiling of LF representation to three ministers so as two get two portfolios, including a sovereign one. However, Geagea’s plan to portray the “weight” of his LF as equal as Aoun’s has proved unattainable. Geagea had also disregarded other players in the loyalty bloc.
Although he denied Monday there were differences Geagea acknowledged that his LF might not find a place in the coming cabinet. “Not being represented in the cabinet wouldn't be a relapse," he said.
"It took the opposition five weeks to agree on its share of cabinet seats, we have the right to five days to accomplish the mission," Geagea told reporters at a press conference at his residence in Meerab.
Of the many questions raised after PM Designate Fouad Saniora and Aoun had lunch together and announced that all problems have been sorted out, is:During the five weeks that Geagea has mentioned, what were the concerned members of the loyalty bloc doing? What were they depending on? Failure to form the government, perhaps?
For the Kernet Shahwan gathering, things are much more complicated. They are demanding a Maronite seat but they have failed to agree on a single candidate. Minister of Social Affairs in the caretaker government Nayla Moawwad and MP Butros Harb are both Maronites, however their chances to take the seat are low. Harb has said that no offer has been made to him and that he’ll “talk” when it’s necessary.
OPPOSITION DISTRIBUTION OF CABINET SEATS Change and Reform Bloc: Jibran Bassil - Telecommunications Mario Aoun - Social Affairs Alain Taborian - Energy Elie Skaf - Agriculture Issam Abu Jamra – Vice Prime Minister
The Amal Movement: Fawzi Salloukh – Foreign Mohamad Khalifah – Health Talal Sahili or Ghazi Zoaiter – Industry
Hezbollah: Mohamad Fneish – Labor
To fulfill its pledge made in Doha - Qatar, Hezbollah is still waiting for MP Saad Hariri’s response on exchanging a Sunni minister with a Shiite minister (from its share) in order to represent the Sunni opposition in the new cabinet. However, Saniora said that this matter is not on the table , signaling the offer has been rejected. Hezbollah also offered to exchange another Shiite minister (from its share as well) with a Druz minister, so that the Druz opposition is represented in the government. Therefore, it has been agreed upon that former minister Talal Areslan will head the ministry of Sports and Youth. Former minister Ali Kanso of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP) will assume the post of minister of state.
PRESIDENT SULEIMAN’S SHARE IN THE CABINET President Michel Suleiman's share also has been settled by nominating Elias Murr to handle the defense portfolio, Ziad Baroud to handle the interior ministry and a Roman Catholic figure as minister without portfolio. MINISTRY OF PUBLIC WORKS, CONSOLATION PRIZE? The problem with the Christians of the ruling bloc has been partially reflected on the rest of the bloc. According to media sources, the Public Works portfolio has become a consolation prize that the Lebanese Forces and MP Walid Jumblatt’s Progressive Socialist Party are seeking to gain. Minister of Public Works in the caretaker government Mohamad Safadi is also trying to remain in his post. Safadi linked his participation in the new cabinet with heading this ministry, whereas Jumblatt wants it in return for the Telecommunications ministry.
CATHOLIC SEAT CAUSE DISPUTE BETWEEN JUMBLATT AND FARAON The Catholic seat preserved for the loyalty bloc has caused dispute between MP Jumblatt, who wants Nemeh Tomeh to take the ministry of the Displaced and MP MP Michel Faraon who wants the same portfolio. Hariri is currently in Saudi Arabia, so Faraon found himself bound to seek support from his religious leadership.
SUNNIS IN LOYALTY ARE NOT FAR FROM PROBLEMS Sunnis in the loyalty bloc, according to media source, were not consonant as well. There are differences on the post of Minister of State for Financial Affairs. Saniora had proposed the name of his aide Mohamad Shatah to take this portfolio on the account of Minister of Justice in the caretaker government Samir Jiser. The argument is that that there will be no representation of the Future Movement with a minister from north Lebanon, not to mention Beiruti names on the table. |
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